Debts are urgent and can rapidly spiral out of control. The quicker they are dealt with, the easier they are to solve, so if you are in financial difficulties and struggling to pay your basic overheads or have worrying and large debts, The Community Programme can help you to find the wide and varied services and solutions available to help you to reduce your outgoings, sort out your spending and resolve your debt problems.
With rising unemployment, many are finding it difficult to make mortgage repayments, pay bills and cover rising food costs and the average household debt in the UK, excluding mortgages, is now in the region of £8,000. In addition, around 90 properties are repossessed every day and more than 300 people are declared bankrupt or insolvent. If you need advice on negotiating with creditors or information on bankruptcy, IVAs, debt relief orders or any other aspect of navigating debt, The Community Programme will enable you to find the specific help that you need.
The Community Programme can also help you to locate support groups in your area so that you can talk with and get help from others in the same boat. Similarly, you can share your money worries on our free, confidential online forum.
If you need practical help and support or specialist advice on clearing debt, please act now and contact one of the organisations listed by The Community Programme.
First Steps Women's Centre
Oakleaf Enterprise
Sudbury & District Citizens Advice Bureau
well women wakefield