Our Details

Scarborough Survivors
9 Alma Square
Yorkshire & Humberside
YO11 1JR

Phone: 01723 500222
Email: survivors.office@btconnect...

Registered Charity Number: 1044058
Category: Mental Illness

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Scarborough Survivors

Scarborugh Survivors is a service user-led charity, based in Scarborough Town Centre and is open to anyone over the age of 18 affected by mental health problems. 

The aim of the charity is to promote relief for persons who have, or have suffered, mental health difficulties, by offering assistance, support and information to such persons through but not entirely by the provision of a Resource Centre.  To make a substaintial and continuous improvement to the lives of, and services provied for, people whose lives are touched by mental health problems.

With the empahsis that while people may not have full control over their mental health symptoms, they can have full control over their lives.  Helping people see beyond their problems, recognising and fostering the opportunties that harness their abilities, interests and dreams.

